Wageningen Dialogue
DocuScience: Once upon a time in our soils
Do you like mysteries? In that case, you must be interested in our soil, the underground living matrix. We still do not know much about it, but we do understand that we need to protect it. But how? How do we protect something that we are still researching and discovering? This documentary, "Il était une fois dans nos sols" (Once upon a time in our soils), presents the journey of a group of Walloon farmers who changed their practices to maintain soil on their land and build up soil health in their fields. It highlights their practices and the knowledge that helped develop them.
In this documentary, the agronomists of conservation extension services Greenotec and the farmers in their network will present and explain their situation and their path to conserve and, eventually, build up soil fertility and other environmental functions. The documentary will be followed by a Q&A session with Laurent Serteyn from Greenotec to discuss the statements made in the documentary and to answer your questions related to soil conservation.
This documentary is in French, with English subtitles. The introduction and Q&A will be in English.
The documentary will be shown in Omnia and admission is free of charge. The programme will begin at 19:00, with the room (auditorium) opening at 18:30. Registration is not required, but make sure to be in time because full=full.
After the programme, the bar at Faculty Club Novum is open for drinks and a chat.
Dinner in restaurant Novum beforehand?
Restaurant Novum, in Omnia, offers a special DocuDinner especially for DocuScience. For 18.25 euros, you will be served a delicious vegetarian main course, dessert and a drink. The DocuDinner starts at 17:30. Reservation is required and can be done by sending an e-mail to welkom@restaurantnovum.nl. Please mention DocuScience in your e-mail. As a dinner guest, you will have a reserved seat in the auditorium, so you are guaranteed a spot at the documentary.
About DocuScience
DocuScience is a new programme in Omnia, where employees of Wageningen Campus share insights into the inspiring work happening on Campus. We will explore new perspectives through interesting documentaries that encourage conversation. Everyone working at Wageningen Campus is welcome, so bring your colleagues!