
MAGNET (Modular Applied GeNeral Equilibrium Tool)  

The tool helps identify effective intervention areas for FLW reductions from a food system perspective. The tool guides decision making in policy and private investment processes, making use of a global economy-wide model that captures how the price of specific commodities, and the income that stakeholders obtain from transactions, can change at different points in the supply chain, depending on specific scenarios and situations.

The model simulates the impacts of FLW reducing interventions at primary and processing stages of a supply chain. The model calculates how FLW reduction affects food security (national availability, accessibility and utilisation of food) and sustainability indicators (GHG emissions, agricultural land use) at global and regional levels. Insights generated can support policymakers and private sector users to design effective intervention efforts and guide focused data collection by identifying interventions with the potential to improve nutrition security and sustainability for specific regions, supply chain stages (primary and processing) and sectors.

What type of insights does the methodology generate?

  • Impacts of FLW and FLW reducing interventions on societal objectives (food security, distribution of economic benefits across sectors and stages in the supply chain, environmental effects).
  • Trade-offs and synergies of FLW reducing interventions.
  • By combining different cases and scenarios, MAGNET helps users identify which FLW reducing interventions have the most impact on food system outcomes such as food security, social equity and environmental sustainability.