Wageningen common data solutions, how common are they?
The Wageningen Common Data Solution (WCDS) programme has been running for six months with eleven projects since June this year. Four new projects will join the programme in January. On this occasion, the WCDS team is preparing to organise a workshop entitled "Wageningen common data solutions, how common are they?”
The workshop aims to facilitate collaboration by providing an opportunity for project leaders to meet, and learn about each other's projects and identify commonalities. Eleven project leaders from the first round call will be invited to present their current progress. The event will also serve as a kick-off meeting for the second round call, where four project leaders will be invited to present their proposal plans. There will also be a discussion session where we can exchange comments and ideas, fostering collaborative discussion.
We are looking forward to welcoming you on Thursday 01 February.
With kind regards,
The WCDS Team