
Cerescon first startup to pass through the entire StartLife Incubation Program for agriculture and food startups

Published on
April 12, 2016

Cerescon, developer of an automatic asparagus harvester, is the first startup which successfully completed the entire StartLife Incubation Program. StartLife launched the incubation program for agriculture and food startups in the summer of 2015.

Since the beginning of 2014, the team of Cerescon is busy with the development of an asparagus harvesting machine which makes it possible to harvest without manual stabbing asparagus.

Demonstration alpha-machine

In the coming asparagus season, the startup will test their alpha-testing machine throughout the season at an experimental farm of Wageningen UR (University & Research center) in Vredepeel. Starting at the last weeks of the season, the alpha-machine is also tested at three large growers in the Netherlands and Germany.

First prototype in 2018

Thérèse van Vinken, co-founder of Cerescon: "After testing the alpha-machine, we proceeded directly with the development of the beta-version. The beta-version will be extensively tested in the asparagus season of 2017. In 2018, we will bring the first prototypes on the market. After the launch of the prototype we will increase our production and will export the machine worldwide."

StartLife Incubation Program

After the start of the program in the summer of 2015, a total of 12 startups entered the program. The program consists of three rounds and offers startups access to financing via a pre-seed loan for each round and personal coaching. Van Vinken: "Following the program was for us very valuable. StartLife has challenged us within the program to be critical towards our current ideas and future growth plans."

Jan Meiling, director StartLife: "We are very excited about the team of Cerescon. They have lots of contact with prospective customers through a self-created user group and are a complementary team. They have the potential to become a market leader."


StartLife is a public initiative based at Wageningen Campus. Over the past 5 years, the foundation supported more than 120 startups working on a technological innovation in agriculture and food.