Two campus companies in Chamber of Commerce Innovation Top 100 - 2023
The KVK Innovation Top 100 shows what we are good at in the Netherlands: innovating! Every year, entrepreneurs from Dutch SMEs compete for a place in the KVK Innovation Top 100. KVK encourages SMEs to grow and innovate. That is why we organise the Innovation Top 100 every year, which are the most innovative companies of 2023.
Wageningen Campus organisation No Palm Ingredients finished in 2nd place and Revyve in position 16. Congratulations to both!
NoPalm Ingredients
In a well-deserved second place is Nopalm Ingredients. They make palm oil without using palm trees. They do this by upcycling agrifood side streams through fermentation. This enables them to offer the same versatility and affordability of palm oil, but with 90% less CO2 emissions.
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Revyve ranks 16th. Revyve makes ingredients from brewer's yeast. Brewer's yeast is a side stream of the brewing industry and they upcycle it into ingredients that can be used as egg protein replacements. These ingredients can act as alternatives to chicken egg protein. These alternatives have a much lower carbon footprint.