Food Systems research opportunities pre-announced
The ERA-NETs SUSFOOD2 (SUStainable FOOD production and consumption) and FOSC (Food Systems and Climate) will be launching a joint call for proposals on ‘Innovative solutions for resilient, climate-smart and sustainable food systems’. Thirteen funding bodies from twelve countries will be joining resources for research that will facilitate the transition from current linear food systems to resilient circular systems, including an optimal use of resources and less vulnerability to shocks under consideration of the interdependencies within the systems and its stakeholders. Proposals should include research on one of the following topics:
- Topic I: Innovations to improve food systems sustainability, with a focus on increasing resource efficiency and reducing waste;
- Topic II: Food Systems adaptation and resilience to system shocks.
The ‘Joint Call 2021’ will be launched at the 17th of May. Deadline for submission of proposals (one-stage procedure) is foreseen for the 16th of August.
Check the SUSFOOD2 or FOSC websites for more information and pre-call annopunvement documents..