FOSC-SUSFOOD2 2021 project sheets available
The ERA-Net Cofunds FOSC and SUSFOOD2 organised a joint call for proposals in 2021, in which five projects were selected for funding:
- MedAgriFoodResilience - Socio-environmental shocks assessment and resilience empowerment in Mediterranean agri-food heritage systems: Italy, Morocco, Algeria FAO GIAHS sites. (Italy, Morocco and Algeria)
- IPSUS - Climate smart food innovation using plant and seaweed proteins from upcycled sources. (United Kingdom, Italy, Turkey, Morocco, Romania and France)
- SmartDairy - Climate-smart Dairy: Assessing Challenges, Innovations, and Solutions. (Ireland, United Kingdom, Italy and Finland)
- AlgaeBrew - Unlocking the potential of microalgae for the valorisation of brewery waste products into omega-3 rich animal feed and fertilisers. (Ireland, Italy, Turkey, Morocco, Belgium, United Kingdom and Romania)
- Olive3P - Innovative sustainable food system for olive oil production converting solid and liquid by-products into edible yeast and biopesticide. (Algeria, Morocco and Turkey).
For these projects, a brochure with factsheets is now available, which provides additional information on the call, the projects and both ERA-Nets.
The document can be downloaded here.