HEU Partnerships full proposals now online
The European Commission has started to replace several of the fiches for the proposed Partnerships under Horizon Europe with full proposals. So far, almost half of the fiches are replaced. These include three partnerships under the cluster Food, Bioeconomy, Natural resources, Agriculture and Environment: A European Partnership for rescuing biodiversity to safeguard life on Earth; a European Partnership for a Circular bio-based Europe; and a European Partnership Water Security for the Planet (Water4All).
The partnerships aim to deliver on global challenges and modernise industry, together with the European member states, associated (and third) countries, the private sector, foundations and other stakeholders. At the same time they are regarded as a way to rationalise the landscape of public-to-public, as well as public-private, partnerships as it currently exists. In the Horizon Europe proposal, there are three types of partnerships: Co-programmed (between the Commission and private / public partners); Co-funded (involving EU countries, with research funders and other public authorities); and Institutionalised (EU participates in research and innovation funding programmes that are undertaken by EU countries).
More information and proposals are available at the EC website.