Your input on building a Europe-Africa Multi-Stakeholder Platform
The LEAP4FNSSA1 initiative is organising a consultation process aimed to collect feedback on possible actions to build a brand-new Europe-Africa multi-stakeholder platform which will bring together Research and Innovation efforts and investments in the field of Food, Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA) as described in the AU-EU High-Level policy Dialogue roadmap on FNSSA.
The survey is addressed to FNSSA actors: funders (public and private), decision makers (at all geographical level), research & innovation institutions, capacity building institutions, farmers and entrepreneurs (and their organization), consumers and civil society. The results of the survey will be discussed by a group of selected panellists during the 2nd Dissemination event towards decision makers and research and innovation funders that will be held virtually in June.
You can read more on the Initiative and find the link to the survey (also available in French) on the LEAP4FNSSA website.
1LEAP4FNSSA is an initiative under the aegis of the High Level Policy Dialogue (HLPD) and its Bureau, building upon former EU funded projects such as RINEA, CAAST-Net Plus, ProIntensAfrica and linking with the ongoing ERANet Cofund LEAP-Agri. Its main objective is to provide a tool for European and African institutions to engage in a Sustainable Partnership Platform for research and innovation on Food and Nutrition Security, and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA).