
Course Data-Driven Agri-Food Business

Digitalisation is transforming the agri-food sector from production to consumption into a data economy. New digital technologies like generative AI are advancing at an overwhelming pace. It is quite a challenge how to utilize these for digital innovation that matters your business. This requires clear insight into how these new technologies can create new business value through data-driven products, services, processes, and business models. Successfully navigating digital transformation involves much more than just technical development.

Join us and learn how to develop collaborative business models, navigate data-sharing platforms, and address public concerns about privacy and transparency. Enrol now and take the first step towards successfully navigating digital transformation in the exciting world of agri-food business.

Organised by Wageningen Academy

Thu 27 November 2025 until Fri 28 November 2025

Duration 30 hours in total: 2-days on-site | 15h online self-study upfront
Number of students 20 - 25
Venue Wageningen Campus (+ upfront online self-study)
Price EUR 1,450.00
Price description This includes on-site tuition, one dinner, 2 lunches and 6 months' access to the online course content.

Learning outcomes

An integrated approach for digital innovation.

After completion of this programme, you are:

  • Equipped with a multidisciplinary approach to make strategic choices on digital innovation for your own organization.
  • Introduced to collaborative data-driven business models, governance modes and business architectures that leverage digitalized data.
  • Able to address critical concerns such as privacy, transparency, and the distribution of power.

This course is a fantastic study opportunity. The course includes holistic knowledge of the Internet of Things (IoT) for me the rethink what I did, and evaluate what I did wrong and what I did correctly.
Huaifeng Liu, Global formulation system lead, Trouw Nutrition, The Netherlands, participant 2021 edition

Target audience

This course is designed for professionals working in the agri-food sector and related public and private services with an interest in new business development, ICT, marketing and governance. For instance, business analysts, information managers, project managers, policy makers and professionals involved in digital transformation. Technical data proficiency is not required and not taught during this course.


This course introduces you to an integrated approach to organisational, societal and technical challenges and opportunities concerning data-driven agri-food business. The blended programme consists of online self-paced preparation followed by a 2-day on-site programme at Wageningen Campus where you meet your peers. Guided by experts you work on real-life case studies in a multidisciplinary way.

Together, you will explore the future challenges of:

  • Big Data Developments
  • Data Economy
  • Data Platforms and Data Spaces
  • Responsible Data Sharing

This course offers a good flow and interconnection of topics with meaningful discussions among professional learners, sharing different perspectives. I learned new concepts and foster my interactions with the Wageningen community.
Ignacio Rico, Business Development Manager,, Argentina, participant 2021 edition

Please download the flyer for more information about the programme.


After attending this course, a certificate is issued.

Course coordinators


Join this course now, or download the flyer first.