JPND ‘Personalised Medicine’ projects present themselves
The 2019 'Personalised Medicine' joint call for research of the Joint Programming initiative on Neurodegenerative Diseases, resulted in eighteen selected projects. The results of the call were published at the end of 2019. The call, in which the Netherlands participated, mobilized around EUR 30 million including co-funding from the European Commission. This is the overview:
- ADAIR: From air pollution to brain pollution – novel biomarkers to unravel the link of air pollution and Alzheimer’s disease (*);
- bPRIDE: blood Proteins for early Discrimination of dEmentias (*);
- DIPPA-FTD: Diagnostic and prognostic precision medicine for behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (*);
- E-DADS: Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease Subtypes (*);
- EU-FINGERS: EURO-FINGERS multimodal precision prevention toolbox for dementia in Alzheimer’s disease (*);
- GBA-PaCTS: GBA – personalised medicine for Parkinson disease: clinical and therapeutic Stratification;
- GENFI-prox: Defining measures of proximity to symptom onset in the GENetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative (*);
- Gums&Brain: Alzheimer’s disease as a co-morbidity of chronic periodontitis with Porphyromonas gingivalis as a causative link between both diseases;
- MIDDEL: Music Interventions for Dementia and Depression in ELderly care (MIDDEL): International cluster-randomised trial (*);
- NMJ-on-a-Chip: Humanized high-throughput co-culture system for motor neuron diseases (*);
- OligoFIT: Oligomer-Focused Screening and Individualized Therapeutics to target Neurodegenerative Disorders;
- ORGTHERAPY: Multicellular organoids: modeling, mechanisms and therapy development for C9ORF72-associated neurodegeneration;
- PMG-AD: Personalised medicine approach for novel microglia-associated genetic variants in Alzheimer’s disease;
- PREADAPT: Identification of personalized inflammatory profiles of aging and senescence which are modified specifically by risk factors of dementia modulating the predementia speed of symptomatic progression;
- PMI-AD: Precision Medicine Interventions in Alzheimer’s Disease (*);
- SORLA-FIX: Identifying and treating SORL1-associated Alzheimer’s disease (*);
- STRATALS: Stratification of presymptomatic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: the development of novel imaging biomarkers;
- TRIAGE: TRanslating Individual Alzheimer GEnetic risk into disease phenotypes (*).
In the projects marked with (*), Dutch researchers participate.
You can now find the information on the projects on the JPND website.