New research starting on organic farming systems
The ERA-Net Cofund CORE Organic has selected five new research projects under its 3rd Call “Organic farming systems for improved mixed plant and animal production”, launched in January 2021. The projects are funded by a network consisting of 13 funding bodies from 13 countries* that have jointly committed around EUR 5 million to this call.The projects are expected to start in Autumn this year.
Projects selected under sub-topic 1 - “Robust and resilient mixed animal farming systems”:
- ROAM-FREE: RObust Animals in sustainable Mixed FREE-range systems.
Projects selected under sub-topic 2 – “Support for robust and resilient crop production systems”:
- ResBerry: Resilient organic berry cropping systems through enhanced biodiversity and innovative management strategies;
- DIVERSILIANCE: Diversifying organic crop production to increase resilience;
- SCOOP: Developing intercropping systems with camelina to increase the yield and quality parameters of local underutilized crops;
- ALL-Organic: Agroecology Living Labs to promote robust and resilient Organic production systems.
Under sub-topic 3 – “Eco-efficient production and use of animal feed at local level” there were no projects selected.
Read more on the CORE Organic website.
*Algeria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Italy, Morocco, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey.