Opportunities for joint research on biomass conversion technologies
Recently, the 14th joint Call for Research and Development Proposals of the ERA-NET Bioenergy is launched. Under the title: ‘Development and improvement of biomass conversion technologies for the provisioning of heat for industrial processes’, consortia are invited to submit proposals that address:
- Development of technically and economically feasible new decarbonisation technologies for the provision of heat based on agricultural and/or forestry biomass;
- Adaption and/or modification of existing technical solutions for the production of heat based on agricultural and/or forestry biomass for industrial processes.
Consortia are strongly recommended to include industry partners. Public funding is available from funding bodies in Austria, Germany, Poland, and Switzerland. The indicative total available budget amounts to ~ EUR 2.5 million. Pre-proposal deadline is the 26th of January 2021; full proposal deadline is the 8th of June 2021. On the 11th of November 2020 a networking webinar will be organized.
More information, as well as the call documents can be found on the ERA-NET Bioenergy website.